Hunting the highest beer (Michael Jackson)
Das ist unser Bier (Markus Föhn)
Un coup d'oeil dans le rétro: les pays et leurs bières (in french, Bov, 02/2007)
Quoi de neuf en Suisse ? (in french, Bov, 11/2006)
Les "Solothurner Biertage" 2006 (in french and german, Bov, 07/2006)
The Trappist Brewers and their beers (Bov, 2005)
the vintage page (Bov, 2005)
the millennium tasting sessions (Bov, 09/2000 - 03/2003)
Hürlimann Samichlaus - a beer to be laid down (Bov, 2001)
Fischer Adelscott - The Different Beer (Bov, 2001)
Beer Hunting in Washington DC and New York (Bov, 09/2000)