some words from a beer lover
- All the ratings and comments you will find on my pages reflect my personal opinion only. The fact I like or dislike a particular beer or brewery doesn't mean you'll feel the same way. Fortunately we are free to like whatever we like. And, please, don't blame me for not having tasted your favourite beer. I'm trying every beer I can get my hands on, so If it's not listed here it's not because I don't like it (feel free to send it to me :-))
- I can't guarantee the absolute accuracy of the informations displayed on my pages.
My love story with beer began in 1987 when I was in Bruxelles on holidays. It was the first time that I met so extraordinary beers. During the past 30 years, I have sampled more than 19'000 beers, hunting them through my own country and during holidays in Belgium, France, Germany, Kenya, Norway, Sweden, Denmark, England, Scotland, Netherlands, USA, Trinidad and Tobago, Barbados, Austria, Canada, Sri Lanka, Tunisia, Greece, Egypt, Italy, Malta and trading with friends from Sweden, Canada, Denmark, Finland, Luxemburg, Switzerland, Portugal, England, Slovenia, Moldova and the USA.
I would like to thank all the people who have helped me in my never-ending quest for beer (and sorry for those I would forget):
- Adam "Viking" Jarolics for some decent danish beers dating before the beer revolution.
- Adrian "Dream Theater" Aellig for his homebrews and some other beers.
- Adrian "Erzbierschof" Dänzer for the Heavy Seas Mutiny Fleet Smoke on the Water and the Great Divide Chocolate Pak Aged.
- Alain Bernoulli brewer of Feldmoos for the bottle of Malzbier.
- Alain Cathélaz for lot of his beers.
- Alain Kaehr for 2 beers from la Versée.
- Alain "Tuborg/Gomoliako" Turberg for some swiss brews and beers from Honduras and Guatemala.
- Alessandro "fiulijn" Cometti for some good tips on the swiss beer scene, tons of wonderful new beers, new countries (Algeria, Uruguay, Ethiopia, Burkina Faso, French Guiana) and plenty of great tasting sessions.
- Alex Cavegn for 2 beers from Ilanzer.
- Alexandre "cans" Veya for more than 200 new beers in cans.
- Alex Wipfli, brewer from Wipfli-Braeu, for sending me his beers.
- Alex Künzle from Öufi for allowing me to get away with (plenty of) bottles after the Swiss Beer contest.
- Alex Wipfli, brewer from Wipfli-Braeu, for sending me his beers.
- Alfred "Fredi" Weber for beers from Germany and the Czech Republic.
- Alfred "Fredi" Burkhalter and Justine Bloch for beers from Togo.
- Alina Mihaela Olaru for my first beer from Romania.
- Andreas Brüllmann, brewer of Brüll! Bier for kindly sending me 5 of his beers.
- Andreas and Nadja Otz, from 523 for some of their beers.
- Andréas "Dédé" Racine for the Krusovice Cerné.
- Andreas Schultheiss, brewer of Zur grünen Amsel for kindly offering me 6 of his beers.
- Andreas Walliser, brewer of Bier Manufaktur Maienfeld for kindly sending me 5 of his beers.
- Andre Stolpmann, brewer of Stollo's Best for kindly sending me many of his beers.
- Anna Casablanca for the Hibu Vai Tra.
- Anna Rohrbach for the Egghubel Anna's Porter and some other beers.
- Arben Haziri for my first beer from Kosovo and for german beers.
- Andrea and Dominik De Gregorio, brewers of Sevibräu for sending me their beers and the extra Märzen.
- Andrea Schranz from Sonnenbräu for kindly bringing me some First Swiss Ale.
- Andreas Stgier from Ela Bier for kindly sending me his beers.
- André Dumas for beers from Germany.
- André Gonçalves for 11 beers from Portugal and 1 new country: Mozambique..
- Antonio Rey Ruiz for A LOT of spanish beers as well as lot of other bottles.
- Anton "Toni Erzbierchof" Flükiger for a lot of different new beers, his kindness and of course for his marvelous Bier shop and Bars !
- Arnaud Lambert for sharing the Prairie Okie, 3 beers from Hoppy People and good drinking company.
- Asbjorn CH-303 Mikkelsen for beers from Vanuatu and Curaçao.
- Beat Ming, brewer of Reinecke Bräu for kindly sending me 3 of his beers.
- Beat Mueller, brewer of Muekon for kindly sending me 3 of his beers.
- Beat Rohner from BeSte for a Tschlin Double Bock.
- Ben Bost, brewer of BlackPig for some of his beers.
- Bernard Schneider for various beers.
- Bernhard "let's go Devils", Adrian "Nightwish" and Maria Aellig for beers from the USA, Italy and France.
- Brian Lavio from Brucke for kindly sending me 4 of his beers.
- Bruno Güntensperger from Liechtensteiner Brauhaus for kindly sending me his beers.
- Bruno Stoller, brewer of Stozi-Bräu for some of his beers.
- Chris "cbeers21" Beers for a beer from Nepal and some other fine stuff from Florida.
- Carole Waser for sharing the 2 Jean Chris.
- Christian Jauslin for sharing some beers.
- Christian Scolari, brewer of No Land for 9 of his beers.
- Christopher Chen, brewer of Chen Van Loon for some of his beers.
- Christoph "C.K." Kneuss, brewer of Aabachbier for some of his beers and sharing many others.
- Christophe "Mullus" Müller (1966-1997) for some unforgettable moments. Rest in peace my friend.
- Christophe "Titof" Pradervand and Sidonie "Sido" Bündgen, brewers of Les Faiseurs de Bière, for beers from France and Belgium.
- Clark "Clarkvv" Van Vliet for outstanding beers from the USA, Belgium and Germany.
- Claude Degen, brewer of Degen Bier for kindly sending me most of his beers.
- Corinne Heule from Locher, for the Quoellfrisch Hopfig Herb and the Alpstein Bock.
- Cristiana Marques for the Stillman's 386 Days, some beers from Portugal and good drinking company.
- Daniel "Bier-Bienne" Trignani for beers from Laos and Zaire.
- Daniel "MadDan" and Silvia "CrazySilvie" Haller for beers from Mauritius, Greece, Italy, USA, Iceland, Australia, Seychelles, Spain, Myanmar, France and Namibia. And probably other countries too ...
- Daniel "scanning" Brunner for beers from Russia and Ukraine.
- Daniela Brokelmann from the former brewery Meisibräu for sending me 4 of her beers.
- Daniel Käslin, brewer of Engadiner Bier for kindly sending me some of his beers.
- Daniel and Susanne Kruse, brewers of Hundsbräu for the kind receiving and the bottles of Whiskey beers.0
- Daniel "der Bier-Prinz" von Allmen (? - 2009).
- David Bonjour, from Hoppy People for sharing the Mystic Day of Doom and sending me some of his beers as well.
- Dave Denzler, brewer at Brauerei im Berg for 6 of his beers.
- David Hofmann for the Ichnusa and the Felsenau Hochdorfer Goldstern.
- Davide Nuzzello brewer at Brasserie Seelander for some of his beers.
- Deborah Isoni for the Kekette Red.
- Denise Brunner and Mike McGarty for the Squawk Toco.
- Didier Ambühl for the "Guide des brasseries artisanales de Suisse romande".
- Dino Tellenbach, brewer of Benedix Klosterbräu, for offering me his beer.
- Docteur Gab's crew for 12 of their beers.
- Doelf Huber, brewer of Culina-Braeu for some of his beers.
- Dominik Sauter for beers from Russia and Peru.
- Dominique "Dömu" Lehmann for beers from Frutigbier.
- Dominique Obrist for the Tooheys Extra Dry brought back directly from Australia.
- Dominique "DomTom" Wiesmann for beers from the Czech Republic, Cuba, India, Germany, Russia, Ukraine, Sweden and Costa Rica. And of course for good beer drinking company !
- Don Bible for numerous beers from the USA.
- Dorin Nicolaescu for trading beers from Moldova, Ukraine and - one new country ! - Transdniestra.
- Dylan Lieberherr for the Costa Rica Libertas and the Lago Puelo Roja.
- DougShoemaker for good drinking company, sharing some beers in Montreal 2012 and a bottle from Black Oak Brewing.
- Eliane Muenger for the Prairie / Evil Twin Bible Belt.
- Eric Devaud (1967 - 2009) for my first beer from Cyprus. Goodbye Eric.
- Eric Meyer, brewer of, for offering me 3 of his beers.
- Eric Notari, brewer of Officina della Birra, for offering me some of his beers.
- Eric "hopscotch" Starnes for beers from Nicaragua and Haiti.
- Eveline Stucki for beers from Rud Bir.
- Fabien Baudet, brewer from the Brasserie des Coudres, for 3 of his beers.
- Fabien Maître for the dubious beers from the Brasserie Artisanale de Porrentruy and 3 beers from Rwanda!
- Fabrice Tournelle, brewer of L'Enclave for some of his (very good!) beers.
- Flavio Da Rold, from B like Beer, for some beers.
- Florian "Gleibasel!" Ruch for beers from Italy, Madagascar, Canada, Iceland and from the swiss microbreweries Käppelijoch, Wetzel, Rösslibier, Roscha and Sauhofbräu.
- Freddy Haldemann for his kindness and some of his beers.
- Frederic Guerne brewer from la Courtysane for kindly offering me 2 of his beers.
- Frido Zurlinden for a beer from Bonaire.
- Gabriel Hill, brewer at Bier Factory Rapperswil, for sending me some of his beers.
- Gazza Prescott for some usefull informations on swiss breweries.
- Gerhard Kessi, brewer of Old School, for having kindly offered me tons of his beers.
- Gerry Farrell and the Sudwerk's crew for 12 of their beers.
- Gilles "Liveshow" Léchot for having been part of the incredible Tour de Belgique.
- Graham "Grumbo" Burrows for beers from Turks & Caicos, Niger and Gibraltar.
- Greg Gaughan for beers from Struise and Russian River.
- Gregory Murer, brewer of Fleurac, for his Triple Saint Emilion.
- Guido Frey, brewer of Lupuvis for some of his beers.
- Guillaume Stalder from brewery Tonnebiere for some of his beers.
- Gwenaël Samotyj, brewer of Brasserie des Garrigues, for kindly offering me 2 of his beers.
- Hans-Jörg Leuenberger for 2 beers from Fässla.
- Hansjörg "Himmy/Hopfemandli" von Arx for bringing me or sharing with me a lot of beers. And of course for a new country: San Marino !
- Hanspeter Krebs brewer of Burg Braui for some of his beers.
- Hansruedi Giger for rare swiss beers and plenty of great informations on the swiss beer scene.
- Hans Frei, brewer of Freistoff (formerly Frei's Bier), for 5 of his beers.
- Hans Schmocker brewer of Burgbier for 4 of his beers.
- Hasan Kaydin for beers from Turkey.
- Heinz Keller brewer from Pentabier for kindly sending me 3 of his beers.
- Henrik Papsoe for numerous beers from Denmark and other countries (among them a new one: Greenland)
- Henrik "Cunningham" Skaalvold for 5 norwegian beers and one new country: Pakistan.
- Hugo Gutknecht, brewer of Hammer-Bier, for kindly sending me lot of his beers.
- Hugo Wenger, brewer of Edelbrass, for kindly sending me many of his beers.
- Ingmar Küsel for the Steph Weiss, Berne and the Gili-Braeu 68er Dublone.
- Jacopo Buraschi, brewer of Sottobisio, for some of his beers.
- Jan "fonefan" Bolvig for sharing many beers at the Great British Beer Festival 2018.
- Jan "El Caballero" de Ruijter, brewer of Bierzunft Wehntal, for 7 of his beers and sharing many others.
- Jasmina Slacanin for sharing a lot of beers and being the best drinking company ever.
- Jean Ehrensperger for beers from France.
- Jean-Luc "BT" Berberat for the unlikely performance of finding 7 new beers in a local beer store for my 50th birthday.
- Jean-Luc "BT" and Fabienne Berberat for beers from France.
- Jean-Marc Bersier for beers from Australia and Papua New Guinea.
- Jean Moeder for the 3 Fonteinen Millenium Geuze.
- Jean-Philippe "Rutzicka" Rutz for beers from Belarus, Belgium, Cuba, Poland, Switzerland, USA and France and for helping me to finish the bottles at the tasting sessions.
- Jeppe "BierKönig" Bjergsoe for beers from Lithuania and Denmark. And for the wonderful Fuller's Vintage Ale 1999.
- Jérôme Rebetez, big boss of the BFM for some beers from France and Germany, lot of his products and for sharing some US beers.
- Jespr "yespr" Kjaer for bringing me a lot of Mikkellers.
- Joëlle Gobat for beers from Colombia and Ecuador.
- Johann Walther, brewer of Baeupbaerger, for some of his beers.
- John "jcalabre" Calabrese for the outstanding Alesmith Speedway Stout, Avery Czar and Stone Double Bastard.
- John "jjpm74" Mezzacappa for the Hürlimann Caesarus and the Newport Storm 05.
- Jonathan "JJ" Jacobson for 3 beers from Ethiopia.
- Joni Orponen, brewer at Rokki for 2 finnish beers and one of his.
- Joseph "Degarth" Redner for the Blackbeard Ale from the Virgin Islands.
- Josh Oakes for fine beers from Canada, one new country (Iran) and his great beer knowledge.
- Juan Heiniger for beers from Ecuador.
- Julien Allen for different beers from Switzerland and the USA and for good beer drinking company.
- Julien Barriere, brewer of Brasserie du Temps for kindly offering me some of his beers.
- Julien Brändli, brewer from the Brasserie des Cinq 4000, for lot of his beers.
- Julien Sarrasin for a BFM Saint Bon-Chien Spirit Barrel, 2 Florival, 2 Vollèges and 2 Westvleteren.
- Julien Zaugg from Beermouth Shop for various beers.
- Jürg Kohler, brewer of Egghubel (formerly Mettle Bier) for kindly sending and offering me some of his beers.
- Jürg "i chumme i 2 minute" Oberli for the 2 Lupo Landi Farmer (Dunkel and weizen) and the Scherlibräu Altbier.
- Katie Pietsch, brewer at Bier factory Rapperswil for her Oh IPA.
- Keith Ziemba, brewer at Brewhouse Lac Leman and then Côte West fo some of his beers and some others.
- Kenneth Weaver for kindly repairing the mess of the Swedish post.
- Kurt Haller for a beer from Hungary.
- Lars Hovind for some informations on the swiss beer scene.
- Laurent "the Submarine Captain" Mousson for his Tipsy Turvy, lot of new beers (among them one from North Korea) and his great beer knowledge.
- Laurianne Allaz for 6 beers from Docteur Gab's.
- Lexu from Nine Brothers, for some of his beers.
- Lubiere for good drinking company and sharing some beers in Montreal 2012.
- Luc Corminboeuf, brewer at Mc Boar, for kindly offering me some of his beers.
- Luc Delacoste, brewer at Cayon, for kindly offering me 7 of his beers.
- Lucien Vetter, brewer at Wabräu, for sharing the Ramsgate Big Cracker.
- Luca, brewer at Birra Schmid, for 2 of his beers.
- Luca Battilana, brewer at, for some of his beers.
- Lucio Notari, brewer of Officina della Birra, for offering me some of his beers.
- Luka Ferrara, brewer of Rud Bir for kindly offering me some of his beers.
- Lukas Flueckiger for 3 beers from Belize.
- Manfred Andermatt, brewer of Robenhausen, for kindly sending me 4 of his beers.
- Manuela Rast for beers from Morocco and Algeria.
- Marc Elsborg for beers from Costa Rica, Cambodia, Azerbaijan, Angola and Jordan.
- Marcel "[M]" Murer for sharing some beers.
- Marcel Vogt for 4 beers from a new country (Andorra), lot of others and good drinking company.
- Marco Buraschi, brewer of Sottobisio, for some of his beers.
- Marc "Study" Studer, brewer of Mein Teil, for 7 of his beers.
- Marie-Louise for the 2 St. Placi beers.
- Marko "MarkoNm" Hren for a beer from North Cyprus.
- Markus "Kusi" Friederich, brewer of Ahoi Bier, for kindly sending me 6 of his beers.
- Mark Voser, brewer of PatschiifigBraeu, for kindly sending me some of his beers.
- Margrith Heynen, brewer of Suonen Bräu, for having kindly delivered her beers directly to me.
- Mario Muther and Max Herger, brewers of Stiär Biär for kindly sending me 2 of their beers.
- Mario Muther again, from Stiär Biär for kindly sending me 3 Äs Weizä.
- Marjorie Jacobi brewer from le Paradis for some of her beers.
- Markus Bacher for the Luzerner Original and the Eichhof Jubiläumsbier.
- Markus "Brewbear" Buehler for his great work and for letting me taste some prototypes.
- Markus Klossner for the Rieder-Bier Weizze Perle.
- Markus 'Obi' Obrist for many beer from France and others.
- Markus "Linux" Wernig for beers from Germany, Austria and for helping me to reduce the shipment costs.
- Martin Bühler from Napf for his Wyssbier.
- Martin Garius for beers from Rieder-Bier.
- Martin Haller, brewer of LUBB, for kindly sending me 4 of his beers.
- Martin Halter from Sudwerk for kindly sending me quite a lot of their beers.
- Mato Tovilo for beers from Croatia.
- Matthias Bischoff, brewer at Brauerei Bischoff, for one of his beers.
- Matthias "NAT" Schärer for beers from Erusbacher & Paul and Züri-Hell.
- Melitta Costantino from Le Traquenard for many of her beers.
- Michael "PsychProf" Anes for beers from the USA.
- Michel Bacco from Birrificio del Pirata for kindly sending me some of his beers.
- Mich Gfeller for kindly offering me some beers.
- Milica Slacanin for an Officina della Birra and one from Amundsen.
- Mirko Messer for some Polish and Itaian beers.
- my parents for beers from Indonesia, Tunisia, Morocco, France and Germany.
- Nadine Degen, brewer of Wabräu, for her Bockbier and her IPA.
- Natalie Corbat for 2 beers from Unser Bier.
- Nicola Nick Beltraminelli, brewer of Bad Attitude, for some of his beers.
- Nicolas Dornacher, brewer of the Brasserie Artisanale de Fribourg, for some of his wonderful beers.
- Nicolas Jeckelmann for a Petit Orval, a Boelens Bieken and his incredible passion.
- Nicolas Roberti from Whitefrontier for some of his beers.
- Oliver Bieri for 4 beers from Greece, 4 beers from Corsica and 3 from Colombia.
- Olivier Brighenti from Hoppy People for many of his beers.
- Olivier Naegeli for beers from Peru.
- Olivier Vurchio for the 523 Juicy Fruit.
- Otto Schwizer, brewer of Häxebräu, for kindly sending me 2 of his beers.
- Pascal Sauser for lot of new beers brought at the tasting sessions and plenty of other stuff.
- Patricia Wüthrich for beers from Spain and France.
- Patric Gross, brewer of Buechibaerger Bier, for kindly offering me his Black Ky.
- Patrick Augsburger, brewer of Cow Water, for kindly offering me some of his beers.
- Patrik Arnet, brewer of Churerbier, for kindly sending me some of his beers.
- Patrik Feller, brewer of Strättligen Bier, for kindly offering me a lot of his beers.
- Patrick Japs, brewer of BierKlub, for kindly sending me his beer.
- Patrick Vaucher, brewer from Mousse de Thoune, for kindly offering me many of his beers.
- Patrik "oh6gdx" Willför for numerous beers mainly from Finland but also from different countries. He's one of my standard trader.
- Paul Halfpenny, brewer from the Geneva Craft Brewery, for offering me 3 of his beers.
- Per Forsgren/Samuelsson for numerous beers from Sweden and 28(!) incredible new countries.
- Peter "Gleitschirm VPN" Ens for beers from Austria, Germany, Turkey, Switzerland, Iceland, Bulgaria and more. Please visit his homepage or he will not bring me beers anymore :-)
- Peter Maag, brewer from the Magie-Bräu, for offering me 2 of his beers.
- Philipp Jaeggi, brewer from Tucho Brew, for offering me 2 of his beers.
- Philipp Sigg, one of the few people having sampled more swiss beers than I have, for many good trades and good beer drinking company.
- Pierre Kurmann and Jacky Tornay, brewers of the Brasserie Montheysanne, for offering me their beers.
- Pierre "l'ancêtre" Mounir for beers from France.
- Pierre-André Priamo for 6 beers from Docteur Gab's.
- Pierre Noirat, brewer from the Brasserie du Pignon, for offering me 6 of his beers.
- Pierrido Eckmann for sharing many beers and good drinking company.
- Priska and Stephan Hugi for the Simmentaler Rossberg.
- Rabei Allouch for his beers and more than a dozen of others.
- Radek Kliber for good drinking company and sharing some beers in Montreal 2012.
- Raoul Gendroz, brewer from the Brasserie du Jorat, for offering me his beers.
- Raphaël Chabloz for bringing me back 2 beers of Brasserie des Garrigues.
- Raphaël "Glouglou" Berger for having been part of the incredible Tour de Belgique and Great Britain Tour.
- Raphaël Mettler, brewer of Trois Dames, for some of his beers.
- Raphaël "Grave Digger" Weber for beers from Portugal.
- Reiner Zimmermann for sharing some beers.
- René Bage, brewer at the BFM for beers from Lolle Bräu.
- René Kündig, brewer of Kündig-Bräu, for the LägereBräu Weizen and for the kind reception at his brewery.
- Reto Engler, from Dr. Gab's, for sending me his One-Shots.
- Reto Senn, brewer from Sennbraeu, for offering me 13 of his beers.
- Richard "Ric" Jackman for north american beers.
- Richi Leder for some of his beers.
- Richy Bozzini, brewer of Birra Bozz for 2 of his beers.
- Rico Fata for north american beers.
- Robert Buerk for my first beer from Chile.
- Robby Collins, brewer of 7Peaks for some of his beers.
- Roger Bruegger, brewer of Brygger Ol for many of his beers.
- Roger "Doeschi" De Jonckheere for the Surselva Rensch and Cratschatura, 11 new beers from Belgium and 4 from Italy !
- Roger "Solaris" Schönthal for beers from Egypt.
- Roland Graber for sharing some beers.
- Roland Huchthausen for the Officina della Birra Valona.
- Roland Singer, brewer at VIB (Verein Interessierter Bierbrauer) for 8 of his beers.
- Rolf Peruzzo, brewer of Brauerei Innerthal for 2 of his beers.
- Rolf Schmutz for the Thornbridge Kipling.
- Rolf Wyss for the Brasserie des Voirons Lug.
- Roman Marti, brewer of Pilatusbräu for 2 of his beers.
- Roman Winiger, brewer of la Comete for 4 of his beers.
- Ruedi "Baseball" Strub (1957-2008) and his wife Carla for numerous beers from the USA.
- Ruth Lüthi for the Suntory Rich Malt.
- Sabine Nussbaumer for some lambics.
- Salome Baumann, brewer from the Darkwolf, for sending me 11 of her beers.
- Salvatore "Salvi" Lagrotteria, the 7th CH beer hunter to reach 10k beers rated, for sharing many beers and good beer drinking company.
- Sarah Gianesi, brewer from St. Laurentius, for sending me some of her beers.
- Sam, brewer from Sam's Bière Amicale for some of his beers.
- Samuel Aeschlimann and his brother, brewers from the Blackwell, for 9 of his beers.
- Sandra Huber-Matsui for the Bowen Island Extra Pale Ale.
- Sandro Zazzarelli for beers of le Fou du Roi.
- Sascha Wehrle, brewer from Gueschu 58, for 6 of his beers.
- Sebastian "DerDoppelbock" Sauer for 15 new beers and good drinking company during the 2009 Solothurner Biertage.
- Silvan "typo3-leusi" Leuenberger for beers from Hasli Bier.
- Silvia "CrazySilvie" Haller for showing her man where the icelandic beershop was.
- Simone "beerlady" for some good informations on the swiss beer scene.
- Sonja Gysin for beers from Wetzel.
- Stefan Bertschy for beers from Germany.
- Stefan Gysel, brewer of Bodensee, for1 of his beers.
- Stefan Kaegi, brewer from Brauwerk, for sending me some of his beers.
- Stefano De Vecchi, brewer from the FMR, for sending me 4 of his beers.
- Stefano Gambazzi, brewer from the Birra Monte Brè, for sending me 4 of his beers.
- Stephan "Stevie" Teuscher for beers from Italy, Netherlands and Switzerland.
- Stéphanie Dürler for the Bourganel au Nougat.
- Stephan Troxler, brewer from the the Darkwolf, for sending me 11 of his beers.
- Stephen Hart, brewer from the Rappi Beer Factory, for sending me 10 of his beers.
- my stepparents for beers from Tunisia, Ghana, Puerto Rico, Bahamas and the USA.
- Sunshine "Beershine" Kessler for good drinking company and sharing some beers in Montreal 2012.
- Sylvain Fazan for some informations on the swiss beer scene.
- Tanja and Adrian Roesti, brewers of Glattfelder for 3 of their beers.
- Thierry "Tschuppert" Giauque for some unforgettable moments.
- Thomas Benz from Lägerebräu for 2 of his beers.
- Thomas Kägi brewer from Föhrenbier Manufaktur for kindly sending me some of his beers.
- Thomas Krüsi for different beers.
- Thomas Nisse666 Lundin for 2 new countries (Paraguay and Malawi) as well as 12 new Swedish beers.
- Thomas "ttt" Schneider, the only person having sampled more swiss beers than I have, for lot of beers, good beer drinking company and 2 new countries (Cayman Islands, and Falkland Islands).
- Thong van Thai for beers from Vietnam.
- Tina Devaud for wonderful advent calendars from La Cave à Bières.
- Tiziana and Manfred "Mani" Böbner for helping me to pay my incredible amount of german beers in Lörrach.
- Tobias Weber brewer from Sankt Maria for kindly sending me 6 of his beers.
- Tom Strickler brewer from Storm&Anchor for kindly giving me plenty of his beers.
- Toni Bühlmann from Brauwerkstatt Jegenstorf for his Schmitte-Bier Rotbier.
- Toni Hutter for 5 Slovak beers, the Kubuli from Dominica (new country !), the Sudwerk Summit IPA and some other beers.
- Tore Haugholt from iFjord & Fjell for sharing some of his beers.
- Tristan Mathys from Simmentaler Braumanufaktur for his Mountain Pale Ale.
- Udo Remagen brewmaster from Brauerei Luzern for kindly sending me some of his beers.
- Ulrich "Ueli" Sutter for beers from Germany.
- Ulrich "Üelu" Bösiger, brewer of UHB, for kindly sending me lot of his beers.
- Ulrich "Ueli" Schläpfer, brewer of Birreria Pacific, for kindly offering me 11 of his beers.
- Urs Buechler, brewer of Buechler zu Maegenwil, for 3 of his beers.
- Urs "balloon driver" Meyer for beers from Myanmar.
- Urs Krügel, brewer of KrügelBIER, for 11 of his beers.
- Urs Wüthrich for kindly bringing me some Schmitte-Bier.
- Ville Koch for the Braubar Ahtanum Apricot Saison.
- Vincent Bourquin for beers from Benin and Mali.
- Vladi and Marco La Gennusa for some beers from Purkmystr.
- Xavier Clerget, brewer of l'Agrivoise, for one of his beers.
- Yves "el loco" Kühni for beers from Germany and Cyprus.
- Yves Leboeuf, former brewer at the BFM, for the Thiriez Dalva 2012.
- Yves "Caro-Kann" and Catherine Reich for beers from France.
- Yvonne and Peter Dürsteler from Forschungsbrauerei G48 for kindly bringing me some beers.
I hope you will enjoy my small contribution to the great world of BEER !